
The level of detail should fit the task

The Blog August 5, 2021 by Sebastian Kummer

When it comes to modern engineering and design, the buzzwords 3D and BIM are a “must”. What exactly stands behind these terms, however, is sometimes interpreted differently. A solid that looks like a pipe but has no references to material and technical data should not be called BIM and neither 3D pipework design.

We at SHK started many years ago with 3D design and begun soon to assign data to our 3D models, long before the term BIM became better known. Before adding data and work with data 3D models must have a certain degree of detail in order to provide value with the deliverables to the construction management.

Schematic 3D design can look quite nice at a first sight but when it comes to installation it does not really help if dimension of components in reality are different to dimensions in the conceptual 3D model or other installation critical dimensions are not considered. This could result easily into construction problems where installations are not possible as designed.

Would it then not be the best solution just to download 3D models from the component manufacturers websites? Unfortunately not, as in most cases the component manufacturer models are generated for a different purpose and are therefore much too detailed for Fab design demands. Just a few of these components could slow down the design process to the point where creative and efficient work is no longer possible.

It was not an easy walk on a beaten track but today we can say with certainty that it was the right way: At SHK, we have modeled every single component in our 3D libraries from scratch. We make them to real digital twins with our patented DataCube© technology with BIM data embedded inside the components.

SHK own today libraries with ten-thousands of own 3D components with DataCubes©, aligned to the needs of the Fab design and construction industry. These BIM libraries are one of the reasons why SHK can generate such well thought out deliverables with a small team in a short period of time.

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